Break through the situation



Dear colleagues:

TCXXX/SCXX/WGXX decided that the international round robin test would be conducted according to the method of chemical analysis proposed by JCCS and the method of amino acid analysis of protein proposed by your country during last January meeting.


Project Leader, Mr. Tanaka is now arranging a details of the protocols via e-mail among Japan, France and your country.

プロジェクトリーダーのMr. Tanakaが現在、参加国であるフランス、貴国とともに実験手順に関する詳細の詰めの協議をメールにて実施しております。

To proceed the discussion of the WGXX meeting scheduled in next September smoothly, we would like to have transaction via e-mail, however, we have not received a response yet from a student of your country, named Mr. Smith who sent samples to us for amino acid analysis by HPLC just after the January meeting.

9月に予定されているWGXX会議での議論を円滑に進めるために、メールでの交渉を進めたいのですが、1月の会議の後すぐ、HPLCによるアミノ酸分析用のサンプルを我々に送るはずの貴国のMr. Smithという名の学生さんから、サンプルがまだ届いてません。

Please let us know who can take a roles as a master country window arranging the International round robin test.


Your cooperation will be highly appreciated.


May I hear from you soon?


Best regards,


Chair Taro Sato

議長 佐藤太郎

